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Vị trí Fresher PHP Developers

Lượt xem: 764 Mã: VTN006467 Ngày làm mới: 10/02/2020

Thông tin liên hệ

Tên công ty


Địa chỉ

361 Lê Trọng Tấn, phường Sơn Kỳ, Tân Phú



Điện thoại

028 355 91 299

Giới thiệu

City Description: Vidaltek is a Software Development and IT Consulting Company located in Houston, Texas, USA with main offshore software development centers in Vietnam. Established in 2004, Vidaltek has been providing cost-effective and reliable IT Solutions to a wide range of clients in the United States. We provide the following key services: • E-Commerce Services • Web Content Management System • Open-source software integration • Transform Legacy System • Software Testing • Data Entry Services • Offshore Outsourcing Partnership Vidaltek has already delivered over hundreds of launched projects (which ranges from 200 to 3,000 hours of works for each project) to our North America clients in different industries. Vidaltek specializes in the areas of Web and Application Development. By using the best technologies available from Microsoft (.NET Framework, ASP.NET, Web Services, Microsoft SQL Server Database, etc.) Vidaltek can give you the best results with proven technologies. We also develop applications on the Linux platform for companies that look for flexible, powerful yet cost-effective solutions. Another service that Vidaltek provides is the customization and integration of open source systems such as Joomla!, OScommerce, DotNetNuke (DNN), and WordPress to deliver efficient solutions that tailor to your needs.

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Fresher PHP Developers
TP HCM 10 - 15 Triệu 30/04
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array(7) { ["module"]=> string(4) "jobs" ["view"]=> string(7) "seekers" ["task"]=> string(7) "showjob" ["id"]=> string(4) "6467" ["code"]=> string(22) "fresher-php-developers" ["page"]=> string(0) "" ["Itemid"]=> string(1) "4" }